A new name for my blog along thisarvellous way.

What’s your go-to comfort food?

My go to comfort food is cinnamon rolls and warm coffee. Ohh I forget all my worries as I get lost in the smells and taste of them both.

It is so wonderful to have them both on this planet. McDonald’s is a great place to get them both or Panera’syum.


Today we are having a family day. We are going to the zoo. It is me my two sons and 7 of my grandbeautifuls. We are having so much fun. The weather is warm and my son, the younger one is laughing as I type this. His laughter is just an amazing sound that fills up the car as we get set to load up and go. Today is Sunday and it is shinny and warm.so verry nice. I watched a good movie called love on fire.and then I prayed from 11pm to7am. Them my grands were in the house so it ended on time.

Eat the cake Annie Mae

551 am on Sunday morning I didn’t fall but I hurt myself. They didn’t keep me at the hospital. Yes I thought they might. So much stress on one side of my body has caused my strong side you say no more and a back sprain is now my result. I have no other recourse but to rest. To take the meds and sleep. So at this God hour of nearing 6,am. Vandy took time to talk to me and help me not lay here and blame blame blame my self for having
Only one side that’s working.i kinda feel like Tina Turner” eat the cake Annie Mae. So no teaching today. Only rest. Which is the cake I resist. Crazy right?

Hello Readers p2.

There is a difference between thankful and grateful.

Thankful is something you feel. Greatful is something that stems from the Soul of us. It is Deep. Gratitude penetrates and brings hope. It comes from a deep place in our hearts.

Kendrick Lamar pulled me…virtually RD2

Day 268- John Mayer wrote “I’m in repair I’m not together but I’m getting there.” The mask I wore during Radiation Treatments is on my table.

Last night was terrible…my Dau helped thru it..Gent Jack and Kelley Jackson this morning. But Uknow…..

After watching Kendrick Lamar on #Youtubehttp://youtu.be/iZJXvjeWlVA
As he performed on Jimmy Fallon….I am inspired in this my state of recovery day 2.

….4he rapped about how he loved God..he also rapped about the reality of this, our Universe. In amazement, he virtually pulled me…and I saw Capetown…hunger..people running scams to get a college degree….he pulled me with his small but poignant moves…and then slayed…his movements got bigger as his words brought video to my brain….

Republican, Democrat,Silver spoons, Crackpiped, hate hope…all 

Apart of a living being…making us feel things we cannot see OR touch. Tears..a slap.a cussword from those Christian lips or a gift from an atheist. We are all here together…while some people still want to drink fresh water..we in America pay to lose weight, to be cut on…we get pressed and find 

One action in a situation pours out your strength or your insecurities. Shut your complaining and do the good. Truth be told …

We are all in some kind of repair….not together but we are getting there.