Acquiescence conquers!!!!! 

Day 699–People can try and mess us up. 
Harping on our short comings and never recognizing our good. 
This is why it is important to live in a constant state of….

eager forgiving & flowing love, 

Heart desires are born this way.
It’s just that everything requires a test. 

It’s just that things might not go my way.  

This to me is where true destiny is found.  
It is where we get the deep breath and the exhale….by accepting what we just cannot change…having courage to change ourselves for our own good (no more “stinking thinking”).   Like the dew on these flowers in Anne Jackson-Johnson’s garden…acquiescence is refreshing…….makes us sparkle and glow and gives us a shine…yeah…..a shine🎶

You are great!!!!! Your dreams achievable!!!!!

It’s just that ….it takes work, time away from the crowd and your own belief in the incredible Y.O.U.


Holes in my head….AWARENESS 💡

Day 357-The word for today is AWARENESS.

A year ago I went through a horrific surgery.  Spinal Fusion. I had to wear a crown. 

To get it on they bore holes in my head…I was awake….I was high…but there was this Awareness…..I could hear my skull crack as they screwed the bolts in my head. Some of you know exactly what I am talking about. 

They removed…but there are scares on my forehead of where the screws were….


Ever been concentrating on a project and another energy steps into it?  

Like you are studying or reading something and all of a sudden one memory comes in breaking your concentration and causes you to aimlessly wander away from what you were doing? 
That is why we must keep our awareness in tact.

   This is not Original with me…it comes from Buddist and Tao teachings, even Hindu. But because I am Christian I find it appealing to apply in my daily walk without interruption of what I believe. 
So what am I saying? Be aware. Be aware of YOUR needs. Go to the bathroom when your body says go. Eat when you tummy is like 😳! And just because someone you love asks you to do something… Awareness breaks through with either YES or NO. Even “maybe” or “let me think about it” is a NO!
You Matter!

So Fresh…sooo Clean, Clean

Great big thanks to Vandy L. Jackson& Monique Saade Jackson for being my rescuers yesterday! Much Love💕 🎈🎈🎈🎈🎈🎈🎈🎈🎈🎈🎈🎈🎈🎈🎈🎈🎈🎈🎈🎈🎈

Day 347—-Radiation Recovery day 63
No Condemnation. Just new beginnings. Oh yes you do deserve it! NEW ALL THE WAY!!!!

Stop telling your past, your story with all those details….no, no. New Beginnings.

Since Sunday when I was singing…”God is my Everything” by the Chicago Mass Choir…..I felt Him doing something…..Spiritually Operating….placing securely….The good, you feel me?

No…no I wasn’t fact my maladies got worse.

Still, I heard the 23rd Psalm…He is my Shepherd…He restores me……

We hold onto soooo much garbage…but …..think clean clothes hanging on the line blowing in a Spring wind(that soft purring wind taking all that pain…that loss….drying out the tears of those sisters SHOULDA and COULDA!😳

Leaving only #Outkast’s lyrics “so fresh and so clean ..clean” as the release!😎
“He #Restores me…#HeRestores my Soul” during the vamp I kept singing that phrase…..and it happened….All week family and friends have said I sound much stronger……

I pray the same for you dear FB Fam……”He Restores” you, me, us,we…..

That ‘R’ Word…

Happy Saturday all!!!! Day 243- HumanPart 7-Acceptance
We all aren’t Shaped liked Pears. Our ‘good’ sides vary in photography. 
We all have lost….something..someone…

On yesterday, My acceptance of my Doctors words brought tears.   
I now face Radiation. A one time shot of it to kill this Tumor.   

We all have something that tugs for Acceptance. It can be Medical, Emotional or Financial. Acceptance waits.

We all have needs…..
We all hate something or even someone. Some food…or smell…or color….you feel me?! 
But it is our Power of Acceptance that keeps us moving….to stand there and keep asking why can kill us…acceptance gets us motivated to do something for Our Heart…puts our emotions in check! 
Acceptance of the good and the very bad gives you, me, us , we THAT reason to keep it moving!
We are Human.